not your conventional psYCHIC

Bree Melanson is an international Channel and Teacher, celebrated for breaking down the divide between the material and metaphysical. Her mastery lies in her grounded approach to unlocking the mysticism in quantum healing, offering accessible framework and step-by-step processes to things like psychic development, self-healing and manifestation. With humor and relatability, Bree has a unique gift of taking the deep work of inner inquiry and making it approachable, social and highly engaging.

Bree’s innovative processes and programs come from her direct experience getting people ‘unstuck’ as an intuitive and energy worker for over 10 years and the insight she has received as a channel. Thousands of ‘spiritually inclined’ are attending Bree’s classes to reopen their innate intuition and reconnect to their creative power and hundreds of graduates from her intuitive training program are now running their own healing-based businesses. With a palpable, genuine desire to serve and a natural ability to lead, Bree creates a learning environment that’s uplifting, accessible and deeply impactful.

COMMUNITY + audience

Bree supports individuals who are ready to clear out their inner constraints and step into their higher potential and purpose. Her community consists of creatives, healers, entrepreneurs, leaders and soul-centered individuals who value personal growth, being in service to our collective future and are curious about our connection to other dimensional worlds. Bree’s community is rapidly growing — she was recently featured on Gaia’s new documentary series, “Channeling: A Bridge to The Beyond”, with future productions underway. She’s a returning guest on leading wellness podcasts like Almost 30, Soul on Fire, Your Own Magic and most recently on Wholly Human with Lean Rimes. With over 200,000+ listeners on Insight Timer, a growing presence on media channels and the collective pull towards spirituality as a tool to navigate our changing times, Bree’s voice and work are sure to expand.

my story

As a young girl, I was psychic. I talked about the spiritual world and why my soul came to earth. With time, I shut off my intuitive senses. Most of us do this as children because we're usually not taught how to foster our inherent gifts. For 25 years I closed myself off completely to my naturally strong intuition, meanwhile becoming a self-development and all-things-esoteric literature junkie. I stacked my shelves with the titles of authors deep in their work around meditation, quantum healing, and psychology.

What I didn’t know was that I was slowly re-opening myself to something that had been calling me my entire life. And as I got deeper into the meditations I was so drawn to sitting in, the message kept coming across, loud, clear and repeatedly: ‘You’re a healer’. Well, at the time I was a hip hop dancer and non-profit consultant. I had no idea how it would play out, but of course it did... 

I finally surrendered and said,  "Ok, show me. If I’m supposed to do this work, I’m gonna to need a teacher!" Days later she arrived and sat right next to me on a plane.  As she handed me her card, I intuitively saw myself working for her, and got a glimpse of how it would all unfold. Since then, things like this continue to fall into my lap to support my path because when surrender to our soul’s call, we’re carried beyond what' we can imagine.

Shortly after my intuitive training, I began to give psychic readings and healing sessions to family and friends. It quickly and organically grew into full-time business, and my team and community continue to grow. 

Over the past 15 years I’ve realized two things for sure: we can all tap into the messages and guidance we need and we are much more powerful than we know. I see examples of this with within my students and in my personal life—every day. What we’ve called miraculous and “metaphysical” in the past are the very keys to our desired future and collective potential. As a channel, teacher and infinite student of life, I continue to explore my soul’s deepest passion: empowering people to use their own innate ability to access source intelligence and step into the truly infinite potential we all have as creators.

where to find me

Right now my home base is Big Sur, CA but sometimes you can find me traveling for events and workshops. I'm focusing my creative energy on new classes, an oracle deck and coaching students from my programs Beyond Form and Psychic Bootcamp. A good way to get to know me and my work is to start with the Soul Manifestation Bundle where you’ll learn how to create and receive guidance from you soul and be introduced to my teaching, breathwork, channeled transmissions, meditations, and core concepts.

I don’t send out a lot of emails, but I do always try to share the best practices I find helpful - including channeled insight that’s coming through for the collective. When you sign up below we’ll send you a guided processes to connect with the guidance and creative power of your soul (You’ll be surprised how easy it is!)


follow my journey on instagram.