Bree Melanson Spiritual Channel and Teacher

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The Coronavirus And Our Collective Healing

This has been a challenging time for so many of us. We’re being forced to really sit with our fears, judgments and deeper values. Over the past few days I’ve connected in hopes of gaining insight about why this is showing up, what we can do and how we can begin to move into our individual and collective healing. I channeled the arcturians, mother earth consciousness and an energy that came through that felt like ‘great mother’.


“We would first and foremost like to thank you for making this space available for unification and purification. We know that you often struggle with what you call the mind, which is really just a part of the collective consciousness. (They were showing that they aren’t ‘our thoughts’ more so energy / consciousness we pick from the collective bank.) 

We warrant not to take this life so seriously -  meaning the one you have created for yourselves in a world of potentials. The self who yearns for the future has already forgotten the bliss that lives here. The self who worries for others is the self who has forgotten their own power as an agent of change and love. 

So we welcome you home, to presence. Breathe in this awareness, come back here. Other worlds (or futures) do not hold your safety or the answers you often pose to energies like us. You see, you literally live in a world of infinite potentials and these potentials are created in every waking moment. And as you feed your own consciousness the fearful potentials you also feed the collective wave of realities for all. 

So again, and as always, you are brought back to the awareness that is oneness - that is peace, that is a unified consciousness. You are truly one. This (virus) is opening a portal of realities in your world and at the very basic level you are required to open your hearts, become still and reevaluate the worlds that you visit when you are not here in presence. You are being asked to stop, listen and consider your current state of consciousness. We lovingly ask, what is it that you truly desire? 

Do your desires come from the heart or form the notion that you are not already full? 

We understand the reasons you have become afraid, but we simply ask for you to look a the structures of safety you have created. What foundation were they built upon? Which self do they support? We find it fascinating to watch the length and energy that goes into sustaining the self that is in truth not real; the future self, the self that is interpreted by others, the self who is linear and who asks others to uphold their truth. 

How often do you reside in the self who is knowing, full, present and divinely guided?

We are suggesting to be aware of the ways in which you deviate from this self. It is as if you slip into a weightless and stagnant reality when you entertain the self who has forgotten. We remind you that your future is dependent on the perceptions that YOU hold. Yes, it is determined partly by the collective, but if your greatest power was the consciousness you held, would you not use your energy to build what you wish to experience? This (the virus), like all things that exist in the universe, bears purpose and potential. 

So what is the meaning you are giving it? This is the power it will hold. (They are not saying that it is not real, they are just saying we will determine our experience of it.)

What would it take to become completely aware? You would have to be stripped of all the distractions. This is an invitation to return to truth. This is an ushering towards your collective awakening. Yes, it is also the potential opposite, but we choose the realities we wish to live in. 

If you came bearing great purpose, what does that look like for you NOW, not after you have attained enough knowledge or power….what does this look like today

Your judgments uphold the barriers you scream about and wish to tear down. 

Be soft. Be gentle. Be kind. Remember that what is before you is you. 

This is causing you to look at a lot of things, one of those being the frenzy that happens with fear - the power of what we could call rumors and how they spread - like a consciousness - like a virus - just like the beliefs and the perceptions you hold as a collective. Look how quickly they spread. 

Does it not make you question the way you are connecting and using your resources? Isn’t it interesting that the beginning of the virus occurred in an area that you tend to ignore and dump things into? Everything reflects a truth. Everything is an invitation into a different paradigm and reality. There are opportunities in everything but what we are saying is that there is a consciousness of people that feel like they have to gather, attain and hoard …but it fills nothing, it is not life giving (so there is destruction).

We are just saying look at where all of these things come from, the things you ‘need’ to attain. We are not making anything wrong we are just saying, does it not cause you to look at the imbalance that is occurring? Is it not saying, ‘look at what is not sustainable, look at what is out of balance?’ Doesn’t nature take care of everything? 

Everything bears potential, this also bears a potential of going back to a fearful existence without the freedom of expression you have now. So we are saying watch yourself - watch the consciousness you hold about everything. You have become quite removed from your earth. This (virus) is not a punishment this is just a result. You will continue to experience imbalances until you stop the imbalance. So like anything, it is an opportunity. Your individual consciousness is important. Your thoughts, your energy your conversations, your reactions. It will have the power you lend it.” 


“Notice that the demands that are taxing on your body, heart and the world around you; these come from the needs and actions built upon your fabricated self. So what is the future of this virus you may ask, and what is its origin and deeper purpose? You will determine the future of this. Be cautious not to feed the consciousness of destruction (of fear). Please do not judge or blame the powers that may be. If you stood in the solidarity of love you would not be rocked, they (the media/fear/the virus) would have no power. 

So dig deep into the wells of your heart. Why do you see this space (our hearts) as invaluable? What are you really seeking to exchange with the world before you, may we ask? What is so terrifying about offering the purity of your heart? The self you try to protect is not even real. Do not hold sorrow or me or those who seem to have lost their way. Hold earth consciousness in your heart, and watch what grows. Watch what swells within you, what changes, what comes about. I am your home, much like your body, your vessel.

How often are you present with your body, really present? 

What demands are you posing upon her to feed a false self that are not sustainable? The trail we leave behind us when we chase this false self is detrimental to all. Your body, like earth is capable of working itself out.” 


“If you look to nature you witness the purification that is presence. If you look to nature you see that all things are void of agenda. If you look to nature you see that all things are perfectly balanced. If you look to nature you see that all things live in balance because of this honing system that lives purely in presence.

So how could this not also be your truth? 

How do we turn to truth you may ask? Return to the purification that is presence. Presence is not the thinking mind, it is beyond the chatter. Presence is the home within you that is expansive and always holds all that you are. Come home, dear ones. Come home to your center. The doing-self will become weary and worn. In your being you connect with all that is true. 

Remember how to hold yourselves. Remember the current of love that is always running within you. Remember why you came. Remember who you are. Who are you without your things, projections and roles? It is ok - these are ways that we learn, we are just reminding you who you really are. The pureness of your being also bears the solutions for the whole. 

Come home. Come home. Come home. 

How could you not return here? To what resides within you, that always knows which way to turn. How could you not return to the presence that holds you in purity amongst all that is not real? 

Do not cast your fears out into the world, this only moves you further from your truth. Do not allow the mind to come to conclusions about what this means for the fearful self. Remember, that the fabricated self is the only one who judges, frets, blames and worries. Isn’t it incredible that you can always deviate from this eternal knowing… and it still holds you unconditionally? That no matter the thought, the deed, the action, the deviation, it is always there to return to, to cleanse you, hold you… this presence is your truth, and it is also the truth of all things. So as a society you may see as you have before, you will always be held. You will always return to love. It does not matter how many times you visit a lesson, for each visit you touch a deeper part of truth.”