Bree Melanson Spiritual Channel and Teacher

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Channeled Message: How to Tap Into Truth in the Face of Fear + Chaos


As we continue to move through this massive collective shift (and hopeful growth spurt) I’ve been struggling with how to share the messages I’ve received about where our collective fear can take us and how important it is to consciously question what is true.

One of the things I’ve been sharing lately and returning to is,

“What does truth feel like?”

In its highest essence, truth is neutral. Truth is how we feel when we’re in alignment with universal flow. Truth is like homeostasis. It exists only in the present -nowhere else. This doesn’t mean that we don’t experience or honor instinctual fear - instinctual fear helps us run from a lion. But in nature the animal goes back to grazing after a surge of instinctual fear. What’s important (and vital) to consider how much we’re adopting, maintaining and building upon conditioned fear as means to uphold our ego’s illusions of separation and false safety that ultimately only sustains our own disempowerment and victim consciousness.

if you get present and feel into a thought, and you know truth is neutral, what does that tell you about where you stand in relation to truth?

AND as you reflect upon the nature of that thought consider,

“Is this truth, or was this taught?”

When I opened to channel yesterday to ask about a personal question my guide surprisingly launched into some concepts around truth and some ways to tap into it. In the first transmission, you can replace the word ‘truth’ with ‘unconditional love’ or ‘spiritual growth’ if that feels more appropriate. The second transmission was from a couple weeks ago when I asked specifically how to share the truths behind what we’re being told through main stream media etc.


“As you exhibit courage from the spiritual standpoint you tear down the walls your ego has fabricated to indefinitely keep truth away. Truth, in its highest form means the abomination of the ego so it works tirelessly hopping from one condition to the next to avoid the depths of truth. (Because if we don’t hold onto conditional fear the ego dies.)

Do not consider the ego as the soul’s enemy, but the contrast it uses to explore the depths of truth. To the ego, truth holds no (conditional) safety, no support to uphold its claims. Truth to the ego, is in the smaller sense; the stories it collects that help it to sustain its restless ideals and weightless identity. 

how you define truth is how you define yourself

Does it live outside of you or within the depths of your being?

Is it curious or filled with concern?

Does it entail an arduous or complex path to attain or does it lay softly in a place you must relax into?

Is it loud and boisterous or is it soft, gentle and kind? 

Is it protective and bracing or does it feel calm, knowing and pure?

Are you beginning to feel the greater ways that truth can guide you?

As you consider your beliefs and explore truth you can ask yourself:

What does this belief feel like?

Where does it come from?

What is its purpose? (Does it serve the ego’s fears of death or is it life-giving?)

If it is based in truth its purpose will be unconditional in nature or at least be in pursuit of an unconditional nature. 

Truth lives within the heart that beats for our eternal life, not the emotional heart that is pulled or strained. Herein lies another way to navigate life as you know it. It is of course, within the feeling-self that truth is revealed. But it is important to pose the concept of the eternal heart vs. the emotional heart. 

Your emotions are only signals to how you are interpreting what’s before you.

Your emotions are your primary filter system with what you deem as the outside world. All is energetic at its core so you experience the energy of something before it’s processed through the brain, nervous system and emotional self. There is great intelligence that is carried in energy alone and it’s only the translation that occurs as emotions, words, symbols and even the conscious understanding because at our core, at our oneness, we are all-knowing. There is nothing to process for it is known. 

So as you move throughout this physical incarnation pay attention to the way things make you feel. Yet this alone at the surface, is not necessarily truth. For example, if something makes you feel fearful, anxious, defensive or contracting - this is due to your filter system which is based upon your total consciousness, including your own fears and misbeliefs. Again, in our oneness we just are - we are not interpreting anything as anything because we are the oneness. (and neutral) 

So as you move through your emotions let them merely reveal what you believe to be true. If you feel a tear of your heart, a yearning for more, or a fear about your future, what are you believing to be true? That love or safety lives outside of you? That you live in a conditional world? That you do not create your well-being or reality and that your power comes from elsewhere? Or perhaps that you must hold sorrow to know what you’re capable of receiving or creating in the future? We offer this in loving adoration for the process. We offer this so that you may see more clearly what truly is. 

(I was asking about a house that I manifested and then it slipped out of my fingers but it’s a good example of what we tend to do with conditions, etc.) … So in this case dear one, you danced with a particular potential reality, you brought it into your field and your filter systems went into high gear. If you had remained in neutrality you wouldn't have had such a difficult time releasing it from your field to bring another potential in. 

So as you gaze upon this house, what are the things you held such reverence for? The feelings of expansion, warmth, support, connection with nature (which is your connection with truth), a creative space, a place to welcome your loved ones, ease in creation, a feeling of alignment with the universe, etc. So we suggest you find the alignment with the universe again and reopen your heart. There are many potentials that await and you need only focus upon how you feel in the moment. There is no dictating of future potentials, there is only resonance. So what do you choose to resonate with now? What about an even higher potential? 

In your reverence you are free. In your attachments, you remain enchained. 

FROM THE ARCTURIANS ON HOW TO SHARE TRUTH WITH OTHERS and tap into your greater expression…

How can I share what I know to be true with others if it may be scary for them? Should I? How do I share what’s important to help with our collective shift? 

"You have witnessed how we have shared our messages from love, yet they are brimming with truth. There is a resonance with our field that helps people to feel at home, to relax into their being and remember that all that is real is based in oneness. If all that is real is this law of one, then the rest would be untrue. (I like how they offered this, like, ‘Are you going to battle ALL untruths? Cause that would mean battling the majority of your entire existence!) lolz, guys, lolz. 

And how do you awaken others? How do you begin to walk someone home when they have strayed from truth and become lost and afraid? Yo do so neutrally, you do so offering the light of love and god and oneness. You do so without fear, without separation; for…

in your greatest moments of glory you speak from your most expanded self. 

So as you pose this question, you are beginning to understand the best way to relay these messages. So if is health you wish to speak of, remind them of their ability to fall short of their own shortcomings - meaning the world within is not separate from the world outside of them. What you give power to shall retain it and in our fear we forfeit our own. Offering the highest truth will walk them most swiftly to their own liberation and clarity. 

Yet many are not ready to awaken, so shall you continue to feed their consciousness or remain quiet to appease them?  No, you must forge ahead because the power lies within your hearts, not in your numbers. So if you gaze upon your life from a future incarnation of yourself, what would you have wish you would have done? Within your own mastery awaits all your liberation. You must see that the fear, either expressed as not sharing truth or protecting those who are not willing to forge ahead, only keeps your world small while you ask outwardly to be big in the world. 

Look at the souls who have been the brightest on your planet. Did they look for approval or confirmation before their next step?  Never. They relished in the beauty and magic of their own creation, they wanted nothing more than to nourish this light-intelligence. They had tunnel vision for their own expression of god (how they experienced god moments in creativity or passion.) This is the only way. 

If you wish to build riches alone know that they will never satiate your deeper hunger, this ONE hunger. (Saying nothing can bring us the sense of freedom or fulfillment that our mastery can. That our focus upon being in love with the process of life and our god expression will get us there, and that this is the ONE hunger that exists within us all because it is the drive to oneness.)

So what is it (your mastery) asking of you?

If you were to heed only to your light, to your mastery, what becomes available?

What is possible?

Take some time to envision an incarnation with utter fascination and union for the creation process within life. If you were to live this life, your matrix would widen in doing so and you would bring more to you than you are capable of envisioning now - this is a law of creation.”