Bree Melanson Spiritual Channel and Teacher

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Channeled Message: Harnessing Faith In The Unknown

A channeled transmission from Beyond Form on how to rest in trust, the true essence of faith and ways to call in the wisdom and co-creative power of your soul.


“We ask you to feel the light of Truth within you, which is the essence of divine, transcendent love. Within this feeling - made possible through your conscious awareness, you rise above your fabricated problems and call forth your inherent being. We encourage to place your eyes upon what’s before you from the essence of this self, the self of which you truly are - and in this you begin to wash yourself of the fears you have been burdened with along your human path. 

Remember that faith is not something to hold to, faith is the inner knowing you come here with. Faith is the cord of trust that does not attach itself to the physical world. Faith is what you may call spiritual strength; the ability to weather the turbulent world before you. It is choice to not hold to what is sinking, but to search instead for the strength and ingenuity to traverse new paths.

Faith is the ability to allow yourself to be carried, no matter the forecast ahead. It is the choice to not hold to the parts of you that remain tethered to what was, but to navigate ahead from your light within -  the light you have been gifted as part of the whole, your personal essence of Source itself, the incredible gift of being.

We ask you to rest peacefully in the unknown and to have the faith that it is only here that you come to know the truth of God, of Oneness. It is in the unknown where all magic unfolds, where wisdom is revealed and where creation occurs. For inspiration is received in the abyss of what the human mind may call the “nothingness’’, which is really the “everythingness”. Let yourself bask in THIS space and you will be held faithfully by the immaculate current of life.

How glorious life becomes when you remember.  Imagine traversing through this life in perpetual reverence; in a constant state of awe for the miraculous beauty unfolding before you. Imagine living life in acknowledgement of its true essence. Imagine being carried by how beautiful it all is… and how time itself creates this beauty - but it is not time in actuality, it is your witnessing. It is all made possible by the witness. THIS is divine manifestation, the becoming you came for and what drives all of Creation. It is all possible within the potentiality of the witness, but not from the human mind you see, from the Glory of which you are.  It is from here, from your eternal witness where all peace is found and where potential is born. It is all made possible through your ability to choose which self you wish to gaze from, which in turn is which self you shall create from.

You make Creation possible, through your singular experience.  Every fragment you have lived and witnessed are like pixels within the divine masterpiece of Creation. This is why we encourage you to envision what is possible in your collective now, and to join together in numbers to imagine your True potential and the worlds that can become when you remember your inherent selves. As you do this you begin to create higher realities, not in some magical kind of way, but you open your hearts as channels for Divine creation. As you re-open yourself to your Soulful essence you bridge the impossible and possible. In saying yes to the miraculous you conjure it forth - and this is why you are here, to say yes to the miraculous, not to respond to the worlds that have been created, but to create anew. 

You must reside in your knowing-self to perceive, respond and create anew with what’s before you. We are saying you must be able to respond differently to the shifting mirages of form … this is how change is made; not by matter but BY matter of your energy.

So if you wish to open the gates to this One universal intelligence, why not notice it before you? 

Why not marvel at the ways it carries all life in perfect and exquisite fashion?

Why not revel in its glory? Not through the thinking mind, but by becoming the witness to its glory.

Why not relax into the beauty that is here, my beloved?

These are the portals to the dimensions and worlds you wish to create, ALL of them - but not even as you desire in this moment, even more glorious than what you can fathom now. Yet we do not wish to inspire you with promises of the future. We ask that you feel the fulfillment and transcendence available when you do. Witness the glory before you, my beloved and life shall unfold as so.”

Let us know how this resonated with you in the comments below! 🖤

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