Bree Melanson Spiritual Channel and Teacher

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Channeled Message from The Pleiadians


I channeled a group of the Pleiadians for a class I taught this week in Hawaii about soul-manifestation. I opened to what would be best for the class but of course channeled transmissions always apply to all. I’d recommend trying on some of the perspectives and prompts they offer with anything that’s present for you right now. For more channeled transmissions, meditations and tools for intuition and manifestation, check out my new monthly portal!

“The matters of the heart are really matters of the mind. The matter by which you perceive, conceptualize, confront and form creation is within how you utilize your will; how you consciously and unconsciously direct the energy of creation. "The heart” is more so the energetic feedback we experience from the perceptions one holds and the resonance field from which they create. Often the human notion of “the heart” carries with it an individualistic connotation. We mean to say that when one speaks of “matters of the heart” in essence they are speaking of their unique and felt experience. In other words, the resulting feedback or energetic resonance due to held perceptions or the energetic intelligence held within their total field of being. So we are elated to speak foremost about the matters of the mind and we also propose the remembrance of the thinking mind vs the One consciousness that you truly are. 

We understand your reasons for holding to concepts of needing to jump through hoops and lessons in order to ascend. However we would like to offer you instead the notion of swimming through a sea of (infinite) perceptions and experiences - of which you can choose to experience at every moment. You have heard the inquiry many times, “How do you wish to see this experience?  In other words, what is the lens in which you would like to experience this glorious life? Through the splinter of potential that the human mind can conceive, or from and with the glory that you truly are? 

We know that it is enticing to engage with the world before you as you have done in the past and engage with the surface reality that has been built before you. We are just offering the gentle inquiry; Which self would you like to experience this wonderful life from? As you gaze upon an individual or circumstance from the individual alone, you give up the “god spark”... you return to a 3D perception and therefore a 3D reality and there is less potential for your soul’s expansion and (greater) divine co-creation. But what occurs when you see the divine nature of what’s before you and as a divine emanation of which you are? 

What occurs? You find that there is nothing to hold to. You will find the gaze of Source is the clarity you seek. You recall the ONE heart and mind… beating as one. From this remembrance there is transcendent appreciation. There is patience…. and there is utter peace. Know that within every circumstance there is the opportunity to free yourself of your human suffering, which is the only realm that your suffering can exist.  So why not rise above to the heavenly world that is True? Why not align your perceptions and heart with the laws of Oneness; the very laws that carry you … and bring all things whole as one? Why not open to the healing resonance that is your eternal soul? 

(When considering an issue or problem inquire within:) “In this moment, what is True? In this moment, how does my soul rest its gaze?” And when the illusions become enticing once again, gently inquire within, “In this moment, is it possible to return to Source/ right minded thinking? What can occur if I do?” You free yourself with every frame of reality, every perception, every potential. You free yourself at every moment that arises, not in one sweeping movement, so be gentle. When you rest your gaze from and to the eternal essence of which you are, all is healed and all is well.

We would like to help you recall the nature of which you are… the one true light that it is divine intelligence. We would like for you to feel into this presence; your light body - the body of light that entertains (creates) the physical. Breathe into this essence… Imagine the frequency and intelligent potential that makes this body and keeps it running, that receives inspiration and solidifies matter. This is the true body of which you really inhabit. The physical is merely an ever changing manifestation of this. When you learn to work this with light body, you also gain a greater understanding of what it means to work with the energy of creation of which you are.

But you see, you must understand that it is YOU.. it is all you. It is not some great Source to summon or a greater source outside of you - it is the light of which you are. When you come to realize that this light of which you are is not only the energy that holds your total being, your perceived future potentials and your past, but also the intelligence that connects all things, you begin to work beyond the perceived and therefore experienced constructs of time and space… 

So here you are in this body; of light, of god intelligence, of source creation. What do you wish to do with this glory-ful life? What do you wish to do with the energy of creation that runs through you? Not as some notion, but feel it here,  feel it through the body,  feel that it is connected also to the stars, it is the one Universal energy. (And because of this) you CAN create something from nothing - from no thing. Remember your fasciation as children. You knew this magic to be true, to be true within you and that this physical life was a field for creation. So take this gaze, reclaim it. See the world with wonder. 

What are you to create, Dear One? If just for the sake of divine creation? Not to save the world, not to fix or heal others or yourself, but solely for the sake of divine creation? How do you wish to engage with this life (force)? See the divinity that is here abundantly before you. Witness it in its glory and true essence that pervades. Where does it call your heart? What beckons to commune with you? How does nature call you? Life is in perpetual communication with you - ready, willing and able to engage with you and bestow you with its wisdom.  Breathe here,  breathe into this awareness.. 

There are of course your linear lessons; the things you have traversed through, the ways in which you have gained wisdom from your stories and soulful exchanges. Not only what you have received, but the ways in which you have graced others.. the ways in which you have loved and reminded others of Truth simply through the presence of your being. 

And if your divine self, full of light stood brilliantly before you.. if your own immaculate light were to look upon you, what would they say? It is impossible for you not to be loved and carried. Love is the essence of which you emulate out onto the world and the very essence you are comprised of. Do not look to others to affirm your brilliance, dear one. Only your resonance with the light of god can do that. So be still within the mind and open in your heart… use your will to summon forth the eternal light that lives within. You must feel, see and experience your brilliance so that others may.

And if you came in the glory of god; as a steward for this light,  How shall you hold it? How does it wish to be made free through you? What is true about your divinity? You are the light in which you seek…You are the moment and time you dream and yearn for. You are full here and now. It is all here in this moment.. breathe it in.  

Only the human heart is heavy, but what is true about your light? You have all come here at this specific time on this particular point on the planet to BE THE LIGHT… not save the world… not figure out your potential but to harness it here and now. So breathe it in,  feel it with your being. Know that above all - above all conditions and solutions there is this light.. meaning that the intelligence that holds the universe in order holds it in order through YOU… through your inherent light… So be steadfast in your light and whole within yourself. Recall that this heavenly moment is divine… this heavenly moment is also all moments… all of creation lives here in this very breath.”


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