Bree Melanson Spiritual Channel and Teacher

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Channeled Transmissions On Covid-19 + The Greater Shift Needed

When I teach online breathwork classes I always take some time to channel for the group before class. I decided to share this particular transmission because we’re all in need of the support. My tiny mind could never create these concepts so succinctly or quickly. The below transmission took literally 10 minutes. A great reminder of the power of ‘getting out of the way’ and letting the universe move through us.

We all have the unique opportunity right now to really dive deep into the ways we’ve been leaning on fear and upholding our ‘identities’ AKA our ever-so-tiring egos! Jesus, (cause Easter) and a new group of light beings I’m working with approach some helpful concepts and questions to consider.

This is really about us doing the deeper work, not knowing the spiritual concepts, but embodying them. I can’t express enough that this is all about our individual healing - not anything outside of us, but what’s within is that reflects it. It’s an incredible opportunity to shift, but we have to chose it.


“I am here dear one. My energy is subtle and it will become more congruent with your nature as you continue to ascend your own consciousness and serve as a bridger of worlds as I am known to have done. 

We are in appreciation for your open heart, desire to serve and also the palpable essence of your nature that extends out to others. You must know that this occurs in many ways without your conscious knowing or the physical manifestation of ‘effect’. 

As you know, in your being you do not bear the weight of the identity yet still the knowledge that it has attained and also the physical expression that allows you to create. In our oneness we are simply one. The expansion process occurs from the pushing and pulling of matter, thought, form and otherwise. 

So as you approach the coming days, do so from your beingness and you will marvel at the potential that unfolds. The doing-self is so very secondary. It is the tool; the means for creation. The form is not so important. 

We can not respond to the doing-world with more doing. We must relax back into our true power which is innate. In response to fear we still remain within its hold. We must rise above. This is why love is the most courageous act. You feel this discomfort in your daily lives as you become accustomed to spiritual growth, which is the awareness of spirit and the degree to which you can come from spirit. 

You feel the hardship of rising above what you call the ego. We must often get uncomfortable before we change. And what lies within this discomfort? The change you constantly ask for. To become more, to feel bliss beyond condition, to let go of the person you thought you were or who you think yourself to be or shall become. 

We have to be ok to die to truly transcend. (He’s not saying we’re going to die, he’s saying that when we let the identity and ego go, really go - which would mean the death of the ego, our ultimate death, then we are free. Until then, we’ll continue to suffer. He goes on to say that it is possible to live without suffering, it is possible to live without the ego and from our being and he’s encouraging us that not only is this our personal transcendence and freedom - but the answer to collective balance.) 

Can you be rich without your titles?

Can you stand upon your own podium and share the truth of love?

Can you honor the jewels that adorn you just as the stones you walk upon? 

Can you feel christ light moving through you without the need to be saved or promised eternal bliss?

Can you feel the presence that moves through you? And can that be enough? 

You can free yourself from the generations of identity and strife without atonement. 

Where is freedom? It is felt. It is understood. 

Free yourself from the shackles that only keep you in duty to a safety long gone and never sure.

All is a passing illusion. 

You are the true maker of your reality and you hold the keys to your kingdom within. 

I freed myself with every act of love. It was a selfish one. But in the name of our savior, which is love. (He’s saying that he became christ consciousness through his personal choices. When we choose not to react, judge or hold grudges, we slowly free ourselves.)

God speaks through the quiet moments, when the worries and chatter have gone. 

And if you could choose to be washed in remembrance would you? (He’s saying we can, so do it.)

If there were no thing before you or outside of you that told you what God felt, and looked like, would you then trust? 

It is safe to rest in peace. The one who reaches also tethers themself to suffering.” 


“We come forth carrying messages for this intentional group and we also come forth carrying messages for your collective now. This is a time of great awakening and it can not go unnoticed. As it has been said you are being encouraged to look deep within and surpass the previous concepts and foundations you have built your structures upon; the ones you have believed will create some type of safety or external expansion for you when in fact, they only build an entirely different reality that deviates further from truth.

So which self are you willing to serve? 

Which self desires to be born from within you during this time? 

What if you let go of all the ways you have been? 

What if you were able to erase your memory but keep the knowledge and live form your knowing? 

What then? How and who would you become? 

We are not making anything wrong, we are empowering you by reminding you that nothing is out of your hands, but you must choose the reality you wish to live in. 

What activities, thoughts, behaviors lead to the ultimate demise of your soulful and heartfull self?

Love this part of you - your soul, your heart. Gently recognize the ways you look to others to fill you up or tell you who you are. 

What if they were just God? Or just like a tree? Just essence and nothing more? 

Then how do you see them? 

You will realize that it is only your perceptions that determine your experience of them and all things. 

Get present in your bodies. Make things, get in to nature, regroup. You must dive deep to truly rebuild and rise above. 

There will be many ‘splintering offs’ of realities. (Saying we can choose to live in different vibrational realities). You have called upon this time - it is not happening to you. Consciously and unconsciously you have created all that lies before you.

The ways you have upheld the fearful self must go… unless you wish to continue to explore those realities… 

Trust. Trust you will be held. Lean in more and more to your being. You must trust. (That everything can be taken care of if we relax into our being.)”