Bree Melanson Spiritual Channel and Teacher

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Free Guided Breathwork for Manifestation


When we manifest from the soul, we surpass the ego's subconscious blocks and conjure infinite creative energy to work with. In the breathwork meditation below, you’ll be guided through a process to gain insight on how the ego mind may be blocking your desires and how to align with your soul’s greater wisdom and manifestation power. Read the break down of the ego vs soul below to enhance your breathwork experience and magnify your manifestation power.


In its highest expression, the ego allows us to expand. We need the ego to create with, just not from. The areas of life where we feel "blocked" within our manifestations are in direct relation to how much we're functioning from our ego. The ego is the aspect of us that separates - from our wholeness, each other, our environment, truth and our true creative potential.

The ego is linear in nature. It's programmed to go from A to B and as a result is fixed and stagnant (the opposite of abundance and our soul). The ego will always look to an external condition to find a sense of love or safety - and this is what keeps our blocks in place; how the ego negotiates with the conditional world.

Ex: I have to please others to be loved.


The soul is our tether to the creative field and Source intelligence. It is our unconditioned expression- the part of us that resides in wholeness. The aspects of our lives that feel abundant and in-flow are where we’re leading more with our soul. In other words, when you’re in flow with your inherent self (the presence of your soul) you’re in flow with the energy of Creation.

The soul’s desires will be based in collaboration, service, harmony and expansion. It would never seek a condition or another to assure itself because it is whole. It makes sense that if we want to reach our infinite potential, we have to rise above the conditional. Learning how to with the soul is truly the answer to all things -all desires, all healing.. and our ever expanding higher expression because our expansion will always lie within the unconditional.

Ex: I am the love that binds Creation. I Am. Love Is.


It's not a matter of learning of how to manifest, but rather how to more effectively engage our soul’s energy and wisdom (our tether to the intelligent field). When we can consciously align our will with our soul, we access the forces of creation. After all, who's better for the job; our tiny little ego or the pervading intelligence that holds the universe in working order? 🤔

The meditation below will guide you through a process to shift any linear perceptions that may be blocking the flow of your greater manifestation energy and connect with the wisdom and power of your soul. Let us know how it goes in the comment section at the bottom. Check out my new Membership or signature programs Beyond Form and Psychic Bootcamp to learn how to clearly connect and co-create with the soul.


If this is your first time doing breathwork, we suggest starting with Bree’s shorter meditation available at our ‘About Breathwork’ page. If you’re newer to the practice, try to go easy but still commit to the breathing pattern. It’s ok to to take breaks but just be aware of the (ego’s) subconscious resistance to your soul’s expansion.

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Breathwork for Manifestation Bree Melanson

After your breathwork session you can use the prompts below to further integrate your experience. Check out Bree’s newest offering, the membership which includes a ton of guided breathwork, meditations, channeled insight, workbooks and more!


Every breathwork experience is different. However, if you’re new to this particular pranayama practice the emotional and energetic shifts can be intense. This type of breathwork will bring up what’s needing to be released and shifted in order to resonate with the manifestations you desire. Try to remain open and curious about the feelings that arose during your meditation. Consider the questions below and/or free write to integrate the new energy just created and magnify your manifestation power.

What feels true in this moment?

How would your soul have you approach your desired manifestations?

How will you now move ahead and/or adjust your approach and perspective?

What is true about the energy of creation?

If you’d like to learn more about harnessing your manifestation power and intuitive abilities, sign up for my mailing list for free resources, recent channeled insight and upcoming offerings. For more detailed information about breathwork, please explore our About Breathwork page and go deeper into your practice, check out the new membership below!

We’d love to hear from you!

Let us know about your breathwork experience in the comments below.