Paris Attack - What It Means Spiritually

Paris Attack - What It Means Spiritually

I witnessed first hand the tragic events in Paris last night. I asked the light beings the questions we have all been asking. Mostly, "Why?" And, "What can we do?"...

6 Ways to Tap Into Your Mastery And Purpose

6 Ways to Tap Into Your Mastery And Purpose

A lot of my clients have been asking about purpose lately, how to stay in the "zone" - of creativity, joy, you know the feeling. I channeled the Lemurians and asked HOW do we fulfill our potential....

Can You Fall In Love Without Falling?

Can You Fall In Love Without Falling?

I don't mean the part where you get swept off your feet. I mean the faceplant part. The aftermath. 

Channeled help from the angels on how to avoid heartbreak and stay "in love"! 

Confessions Of A Spiritual Healer

Confessions Of A Spiritual Healer

I inadvertently signed up for an advanced life class. Whoops. I didn’t read the fine print. Now I'm in ego rehab. 

How a spiritual healer attempts to slay the ego and how all our healing boils down to one simple lesson. 

What are past lives and why do we keep coming back?

What are past lives and why do we keep coming back?

A client posed an excellent question the other day, so I channeled Archangel Raziel for the answer. He talks about why we come here to learn, why we keep coming back and how to make the most of this life.